2024 Total EclipseKentuckyKentucky was in the path of totalityThis state was in totality from 1:58:22p to 2:05:39p. Partial eclipse begins at 12:40p.Max Tot. Duration3m 29sAvg. Clouds58%Avg. Sun Position56°4 CommunitiesSort by RandomRandomDurationStart TimeListing CountAlphabeticalPaducah, KY1m 30sat 2:00p2 Events3 ParksSturgis, KY2m 11sat 2:01p1 Event0 ParksMorganfield, KY2m 42sat 2:01p1 Event0 ParksHenderson County, KY1m 57sat 2:02p2 Events0 ParksAdd your communityView state in the Eclipse Map