Oxford, OH
was in the path of totality
This community was in totality from 3:08:24p to 3:11:16p. Partial eclipse begins at 1:52p.
Tot. Duration2m 51s
Avg. Clouds62%
Sun Position52°
10 Events
Space Race
ByOxford, Ohio
Uptown Parks - Eclipse Watch Party
ByOxford, Ohio
Total Eclipse of the Parks
ByOxford, Ohio
Oxford Community Park - Eclipse Viewing Party
ByOxford, Ohio
Movie Screening: 2001: A Space Odyssey
ByRichard and Carole Cocks Art Museum
The Imminent Solar Eclipse
ByRichard and Carole Cocks Art Museum
Eclipse Festival
ByOxford, Ohio
Space Movie Marathon
ByOxford, Ohio
Magic Carpet Family Performances
ByOxford Community Arts Center
Total Eclipse of the Parks - Richard & Carole Cocks Art Museum
ByRichard and Carole Cocks Art Museum
Add your eventOxford, OH