2024 Total EclipseNew BrunswickNew Brunswick was in the path of totalityThis state was in totality from 4:32:08p to 4:39:15p. Partial eclipse begins at 2:22p.Max Tot. Duration3m 21sAvg. Clouds78%Avg. Sun Position35°6 CommunitiesSort by RandomRandomDurationStart TimeListing CountAlphabeticalMiramichi, NB3m 8sat 4:34p1 Event0 ParksFredericton, NB2m 15sat 4:33p1 Event0 ParksCarleton North, NB3m 18sat 4:32p1 Event0 ParksFlorenceville-Bristol, NB3m 18sat 4:32p1 Event0 ParksPlaster Rock, NB2m 32sat 4:32p1 Event0 ParksSaint-Louis de Kent, NB3m 11sat 4:34p0 Events1 ParkAdd your communityView state in the Eclipse Map