Sikeston, MO
was in the path of totality
This community was in totality from 1:58:04p to 2:01:34p. Partial eclipse begins at 12:41p.
Tot. Duration3m 30s
Avg. Clouds59%
Sun Position58°
7 Events
Cosmic Pickleball
BySikeston Parks & Recreation
Total Eclipse of the Park
BySikeston, Missouri
Jaycee Crawfish Boil & Music Festival at the Rodeo Grounds
BySikeston Rodeo
Eclipse Themed Movie in the Park
BySikeston Parks & Recreation
Eclipse Fun Day
BySikeston, Missouri
Midnight Madness Downtown & Scoping the Skies
BySikeston, Missouri
Animal Tales (how animals react to an eclipse)
BySikeston Public Library
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